Dealing With 10 Common Migraine Triggers

7 Mart 2010 Pazar0 yorum

One, two, or all of these foods can trigger a migraine so it's important to identify the ones to which you are specifically sensitive. Because many of these can be an ingredient in a food product, read labels.

Common food triggers includes:
Aged cheeses, bananas, figs, raisins, beer, wine, hard liquor, red wine, dairy products (ice cream/milk/yogurt, cheese, Sour cream), fermented and pickled products, citrus fruits, papaya, passion fruit, red plums, seasoned salt, soy sauce, MSG, avocadoes, chocolate, lentils, nuts, peanuts and peanut butter, onions, pea pods, lima bean pods, nitrite containing meats and processed meats, saccharin/aspartame (diet sodas), sulfites in shrimp and processed potatoes, yeast containing products (donuts, breads).
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